Monday, January 25, 2016

Famous Last Words: Week Uno/Week 1

Briana’s famous last words for week one! 

*drum roll, please* 

This week was the very first week of class at this grand institution. Since I spent last semester in D.C., I was interested in seeing how I would readjust to being back in school. I know that I was gone for only four months, but four months without course work can and should lead to anticipation. After this first week, and engaging in my courses, some heavier than most, I realized that a great majority of the habits I formed in Washington, D.C. can be applied to my daily schedule. 

In D.C., I woke up at 6:15am every morning, and got home at 6:30pm everyday. I was used to completing assignments, writing down my agenda and find work to fill in the gaps when I found myself lacking work to do. 

Prior to going to D.C., I wasn’t conditioned to work for hours in a work place, but now I have that conditioning and I have decided to make school and doing homework my full time job. For instance, if I have only one class starting at 9am, and no more for the day, I won’t go home, because I know I won’t be productive. I’ll stay on campus until 4 or 5 to ensure that I am being thoroughly productive for the day. 

The Sunday before last, the sermon at church was about planting the seed for your harvest. You can’t speak negatively, and expect for the outcome of that situation to be positive. I already knew that the mental mindset that you start your day off with will determine the direction in which your day goes, but that just reinforced the thought within. I will have a difficult, sleepless semester if I speak that in to existence, or I can have a well thought out, stress-free semester, filled with a great deal of knowledge gained in the process. I claim the latter. 

What are some things you feel you should plant a seed into in your life?


  1. I have a friend that just went to DC, how exciting. What do you think of Oklahoma so far? Normal has a beautiful campus. Good luck with the semester, and welcome to Norman.
    I really like the picture you posted. Bird seed in the shape of a heart, Love Seed. That's very clever, and it especially looks really cool with the blog background.

  2. That is a great idea to stay on campus like that! I am so bad about being productive at home. I have to go to the library to make sure I am getting my homework done. I hope this plan works out for you this semester and keeps you on top of your work!
