Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Reading Diary: Dante's Inferno Week 13

Dante's Inferno.. I've heard a lot about this throughout the years but never knew much about it, so it's interesting to read about it now. In the first part of the readings, Dante is just now telling about his experience thus far, during the time that he first spent in the inferno. He's going through hell, no pun intended. I found it interesting that he was able to find someone that will be able to help him through to the next level. 
''It is best, as I think and understand, for you to follow me, and I will be your guide and lead you from here through an eternal space where you will hear the desperate shouts, will see the ancient spirits in pain, so that each one cries out for a second death, and then you will see others at peace in the flames, because they hope to come, whenever it may be, among the blessed. Then if you desire to climb to them, there will be a spirit, fitter than I am to guide you, and I will leave you with her when we part, since the Lord, who rules above, does not wish me to enter his city because I was rebellious to his law. He is lord everywhere, but there he rules, and there is his city and his high throne: O, happy is he, whom he chooses to go there!''
This quote from Virgil shows that he is willing to help Dante out, but that he won't be able to help him when it's time for him to navigate after he gets out of hell because he isn't welcome in Heaven. Or maybe he's stuck in Limbo.

Click here to see where the picture above came from. If you want to know where to find Dante's Inferno, click here.

This story is part of the Dante's Inferno unit. Story source: Dante's Divine Comedy, translated by Tony Kline (2002).

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